If U Block Someone on Heroes of the Storm Do You Play Against Them Again

  1. #i

    melkesjokolade is offline

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  2. #2

    Danuru is offline

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    Can't you just remove them from you're friends list? I'm fairly sure you can just dm people through bnet if you're friends with them.

    Quote Originally Posted by tikcol View Post

    WoW is ending soon. Mark my words right here right at present.
    They're shifting to a Diablo MMO and putting World of Warcraft on agree for the moment/a while.
    Prophet tikcol at your disposal whatever day, any time.

    Spoken past the bully prophet on 6/29/17

  3. #3

  4. #4

    Mirishka is offline

    Old God Mirishka's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by melkesjokolade View Post

    Ive been struggling of getting rid of people for years now on battle.net. THE BLOCK DOES NOT WORK! Reporting DOESNT WORK! It says they are blocked, but they message me anyhow. Ive airtight the chat, whenever they message it reopens. They are withal able to message me, solar day in and day out. Ive contacted Blizzard, they have been useless. I've reported everything, blocked them everywhere, changed my battle tag, HELP!!!! Im being fucking stalked and terrorized and Im going insane at this signal.

    Study whoever information technology is for ongoing harassment (use that term specifically) and EMPHASIZE that they are circumventing your attempts to ignore them. Blizz takes that most a m times more seriously.

    I went through this with someone back in Cata, harassing me and when he could no longer harass me, he started telling my guildies things to 'laissez passer along'. I reported information technology equally ongoing harassment and the guildies he messaged reported him every bit well - and Blizz issued a permanent ban. This was a pinnacle tier raider on my server, played since vanilla and had PvP titles and all that, and he lost every chip of it because he insisted on existence an asshole. He even appealed it and was denied.

    I know all that considering he messaged me from a new business relationship to apologize and tell me that they killed his onetime account. I was like, do y'all await sympathy or something?

    Last edited past Mirishka; 2018-07-05 at 12:58 AM.

    Capeesh your fourth dimension with friends and family while they're hither. Don't wait until they're gone to tell them what they hateful to yous.

  5. #5

    Laerrus is offline

    The Lightbringer Laerrus's Avatar

    I could have sworn that the ignore feature has gone account wide now to stop people from circumventing information technology by rolling an alt. Though I could be wrong.

    Go along ignoring and reporting them every time. You should also open a ticket and talk to a GM. They will try to mediate at start, but if the person doing the harassing volition not cease their actions, it tin lead to their account beingness suspended or perchance even banned.

    In the mean time, I would get into offline manner, yous can nevertheless conversation with your friends, but anyone else won't know that y'all are online unless you message them.

    Be patient, keep your wits nearly you and stay persistent.

  6. #half-dozen

    melkesjokolade is offline

    Bloodsail Admiral melkesjokolade's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted past Danuru View Post

    Can't you just remove them from you lot're friends listing? I'm adequately certain yous tin only dm people through bnet if yous're friends with them.

    I have ofcourse done that T_T And no, he is even so messaging me even though he is not on my friendlist, he is blocked and reported. He can nevertheless message.
    Last edited past melkesjokolade; 2018-07-05 at 01:09 AM.

  7. #7

    Sastank is offline

    Pit Lord Sastank's Avatar

    I got an account perma banned for being a bad male child and "evading ignore role" and "ongoing harassment" Do what someone said and open a ticket, with as much detail as possible. Timestamps screenshots names dates whatever, and illicitly state it'south ongoing harassment past the ignore role.

    Prot Warrior 2004-2008. Hunter 2008-2018.
    Retired boomer.

  8. #viii

    melkesjokolade is offline

    Bloodsail Admiral melkesjokolade's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by Sanguinezor View Post

    Use the report function.

    I have, countless times. - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Mirishka View Post

    Report whoever it is for ongoing harassment (use that term specifically) and EMPHASIZE that they are circumventing your attempts to ignore them. Blizz takes that nearly a thou times more seriously.

    I went through this with someone dorsum in Cata, harassing me and when he could no longer harass me, he started telling my guildies things to 'laissez passer along'. I reported information technology as ongoing harassment and the guildies he messaged reported him too - and Blizz issued a permanent ban. This was a summit tier raider on my server, played since vanilla and had PvP titles and all that, and he lost equally of it because he insisted on existence an asshole. He even appealed it and was denied.

    I know all that because he messaged me from a new account to repent and tell me that they killed his old account. I was similar, do yous expect sympathy or something?

    The problem is that he is messaging me through the battlenet app, not in game. But the whispers from battlenet appears in all the games I play. I have reported him countless times and blocked him and he is not on my friendlist. Ive sent a ticket to Blizz just they said they cant assist basicly. I dont know what else to exercise, this is making me so frustrated I want to cry and I dont wanna log in to battlenet, cuz in that location is e'er new letters from him and when I endeavor to play, he sends more and then I become disrupted and deceit focus on actually having fun. This used to be my friend for 2 years simply even then, when I asked for space, he would never leave me lonely. I guess I can try conveying what you told me to. - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted past Sastank View Post

    I got an account perma banned for beingness a bad boy and "evading ignore part" and "ongoing harassment" Do what someone said and open up a ticket, with every bit much item as possible. Timestamps screenshots names dates whatever, and illicitly state it'south ongoing harassment past the ignore office.

    I have opened a ticket just Blizz cant help. They simply tell me to report and cake him but I say Ive already washed that and he is however messaging me. Blizzard doesnt listen.

  9. #nine

    Laerrus is offline

    The Lightbringer Laerrus's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by melkesjokolade View Post

    I take, countless times.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The problem is that he is messaging me through the battlenet app, not in game. Merely the whispers from battlenet appears in all the games I play. I have reported him endless times and blocked him and he is non on my friendlist. Ive sent a ticket to Blizz but they said they cant help basicly. I dont know what else to do, this is making me so frustrated I want to cry and I dont wanna log in to battlenet, cuz in that location is e'er new messages from him and when I endeavour to play, he sends more then I go disrupted and cant focus on actually having fun. This used to be my friend for 2 years merely even and then, when I asked for infinite, he would never go out me alone. I guess I can try conveying what you told me to.

    You may want to look into seeing what kind of assistance that law enforcement can provide.

  10. #10

    Mirishka is offline

    One-time God Mirishka's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by melkesjokolade View Post

    I have, countless times.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The problem is that he is messaging me through the battlenet app, not in game. But the whispers from battlenet appears in all the games I play. I have reported him countless times and blocked him and he is not on my friendlist. Ive sent a ticket to Blizz but they said they deceit help basicly. I dont know what else to practise, this is making me so frustrated I want to cry and I dont wanna log in to battlenet, cuz there is always new messages from him and when I endeavour to play, he sends more than then I get disrupted and cant focus on actually having fun. This used to be my friend for 2 years simply fifty-fifty so, when I asked for space, he would never leave me alone. I gauge I can endeavor conveying what you told me to.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I have opened a ticket simply Blizz cant help. They just tell me to report and block him but I say Ive already done that and he is still messaging me. Blizzard doesnt listen.

    They can absolutely meet whatsoever chat that comes through the battle.internet stuff, same as in-game. If you get a GM that says otherwise they are uninformed or just don't desire to exist bothered.

    Having been through this everything I know about how they handle it comes from data Blizz themselves told me. They presume nosotros can handle minor in-game disputes on our own with the tools we take simply when its ongoing, when people discover ways around the tools nosotros accept to block them, that's when they step in and close shit downward.

    Also no one should exist able to Battle.cyberspace message y'all if they're not in your B.net friends. If they can, something is amiss. They're doing something they shouldn't be able to do.

    Last edited past Mirishka; 2018-07-05 at 01:18 AM.

    Capeesh your fourth dimension with friends and family while they're hither. Don't wait until they're gone to tell them what they mean to you.

  11. #eleven

    Quote Originally Posted by melkesjokolade View Post

    Ive been struggling of getting rid of people for years now on battle.cyberspace. THE Cake DOES Not WORK! Reporting DOESNT WORK! It says they are blocked, but they message me anyway. Ive closed the chat, whenever they message it reopens. They are still able to message me, day in and solar day out. Ive contacted Blizzard, they have been useless. I've reported everything, blocked them everywhere, changed my boxing tag, Aid!!!! Im beingness fucking stalked and terrorized and Im going insane at this point.

    What about the

    Receive individual chat messages from friends only
    If enabled, you can receive private chat messages simply from your friends. This setting may not apply to chat letters sent in-game.

    Boxing.net website > Account settings > Security & Privacy tab > Privacy options
    Or clicking the Cogwheel in the Blizz App and click Privacy Options, so relog in the App
    Could work if he's using Battle.net App

    Another option, not sure if it works but it should integrate with the Battle.net friends UI / ignore when it'south launched if you play games such as WoW

    Addon, tin't link information technology since my account doesn't accept many posts, but information technology's on Curse
    Last edited past mmocf33f0a1109; 2018-07-05 at 01:23 AM.

  12. #12

    The Vindicator is offline

    Old God The Vindicator's Avatar

    If Blizzard don't do anything, yous tin ever report it to the Law. Harassment ain't no joke

  13. #xiii

    Super Kami Dende is offline

    The Unstoppable Force Super Kami Dende's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by melkesjokolade View Post

    Ive been struggling of getting rid of people for years now on battle.net. THE Cake DOES NOT Work! Reporting DOESNT WORK! It says they are blocked, merely they bulletin me anyway. Ive closed the chat, whenever they message it reopens. They are still able to message me, day in and solar day out. Ive contacted Blizzard, they have been useless. I've reported everything, blocked them everywhere, inverse my boxing tag, Help!!!! Im being fucking stalked and terrorized and Im going insane at this point.

    if they are messaging you lot in game with their character its unlike to blocking a boxing.cyberspace. you lot have to block the characters in game.

  14. #fourteen

    Derah is offline

    The Lightbringer Derah's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by melkesjokolade View Post

    The problem is that he is messaging me through the battlenet app, not in game.

    The thing is: To be in your battlenet list, it means he'due south on your friends list. Just remove him. Nobody can be on that list without your permission. If you remove him, and he tries to add himself, yous accept to physically take his invite, and if you lot practise, well....... you're reaping what you lot sowed.

    Merely remove his ass, and ignore whatsoever pleas to exist added back in, and problem solved.

    Por que odiar si amar es mas dulce? (*^_^*)

  15. #15

    Sastank is offline

    Pit Lord Sastank's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by melkesjokolade View Post

    I have, endless times.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The trouble is that he is messaging me through the battlenet app, not in game. But the whispers from battlenet appears in all the games I play. I have reported him countless times and blocked him and he is not on my friendlist. Ive sent a ticket to Blizz only they said they cant assistance basicly. I dont know what else to do, this is making me so frustrated I want to cry and I dont wanna log in to battlenet, cuz at that place is always new messages from him and when I try to play, he sends more than so I get disrupted and deceit focus on actually having fun. This used to be my friend for two years merely even then, when I asked for space, he would never go out me alone. I estimate I can try conveying what you told me to.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I have opened a ticket merely Blizz cant help. They just tell me to written report and block him merely I say Ive already done that and he is still messaging me. Blizzard doesnt listen.

    Keep trying. Add whatever and all chars to ignore listing in game and make sure you lot remove from friends or announced offline /shrug. I've never seen anyone have issue with it after reporting. Blizz usually handles that first mention of ongoing. Idk how he's messaging afterwards being ignored/removed

    Prot Warrior 2004-2008. Hunter 2008-2018.
    Retired boomer.

  16. #xvi

    Quote Originally Posted past Derah View Post

    The thing is: To be in your battlenet list, it means he'due south on your friends list. Simply remove him. Nobody tin can be on that list without your permission. If y'all remove him, and he tries to add himself, you lot take to physically accept his invite, and if you exercise, well....... you're reaping what yous sowed.

    But remove his ass, and ignore any pleas to be added back in, and problem solved.

    She/He removed him, she/he is still on his Boxing.net friendslist.

    Don't forget you have both "Block" & "Block Advice"
    You wan't both

  17. #17

    melkesjokolade is offline

    Bloodsail Admiral melkesjokolade's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by hazzlehoof View Post

    What about the

    Battle.net website > Account settings > Security & Privacy tab > Privacy options
    Or clicking the Cogwheel in the Blizz App and click Privacy Options, and so relog in the App
    Could piece of work if he's using Battle.cyberspace App

    Oh my god, I had no thought almost this! Cheers, I hope it works. Also sent another ticket to Blizzard, hope they help this time. - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Meat Rubbing Specialist View Post

    if they are messaging you in game with their character its different to blocking a battle.internet. you lot have to block the characters in game.

    Its not ingame, its on the battlenet app they message me. - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Derah View Post

    The thing is: To be in your battlenet listing, information technology means he's on your friends list. Just remove him. Nobody can exist on that listing without your permission. If you remove him, and he tries to add himself, you have to physically have his invite, and if you do, well....... you're reaping what you sowed.

    Just remove his donkey, and ignore any pleas to be added dorsum in, and problem solved.

    I accept removed him merely he tin can withal message me. Why dont people read what I write?

  18. #18

    Sliske is offline

    Banned Sliske's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by Laerrus View Post

    You lot may want to expect into seeing what kind of assist that law enforcement can provide.

    Ignore this. Police enforcement doesn't requite a shit about online crimes in 99% of countries in the world. You lot tin ddos people with impunity for years and face up nix legal consequences. In this example its not fifty-fifty as bad as ddosing (which can issue in financial damages and more), but its just harassment. The cops will simply tell you to plough off your computer.

    @OP, i retrieve i know whats happening. I only tried it with 1 of my shitty recruit a friend accounts. Basically the guy harassing yous had a conversation box open at the time you deleted and blocked him. But because he hasn't turned off his pc or closed that chat box, he can still chat to y'all. The second he turns off his pc or logs out of the app or whatever he'll cease being able to whisper y'all.

    Shitty state of affairs and i'm not really certain how to go around it. I'd propose only going direct for a live chat ticket. Don't do a normal ticket. Those are worthless. Do live conversation or even a recollect and insist that something be done. Blizzard are very stubborn on matters of business relationship issues, for instance they outright pass up to overturn automated bans on Overwatch / HoTS, but with persistence and evidence, information technology tin happen only you lot'll probably need to speak to a supervisor.

  19. #19

    Quote Originally Posted by melkesjokolade View Post

    Oh my god, I had no idea about this! Give thanks you lot, I hope information technology works. Too sent another ticket to Blizzard, hope they aid this time.

    Hope it works for ya! In HOTS they take the exact opposite, only letters from friends and it works wonderful so you don't get the "FUCKING IDIOT RETARD" replies from people who block you so write whispers you tin can't answer to.

    Not really sure how it shows up for people, maybe information technology just gives them the illusion that the message goes through without notifying well-nigh them being blocked

    EDIT: Mind to the guy above me likewise. Live tickets are bound to be taken more serious rather than normal written ones, demand answers and actions if he won't leave you alone on the App. If anything, ask for them to boot him off Boxing.internet so he'south forced to relog on the App, that mode he won't have your old chatlog open

    Last edited by mmocf33f0a1109; 2018-07-05 at 01:42 AM.

  20. #20

    Doctor Funkenstein is offline

    Banned Doctor Funkenstein's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted past Sastank View Post

    I got an account perma banned for beingness a bad boy and "evading ignore role" and "ongoing harassment".

    Sure you did, kiddo. Sure yous did. The GM who responded to your ticket (if yous wrote i at all) was totally all "omfg, I'thousand so gonna perma-ban dis dude for you, mate!" Considering that's totally how it goes downwardly; they just flat-out tell you lot what they're going to do to another account. Happens all the time.


Source: https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/2408711-Blocking-people-on-battle-net-but-they-can-still-message-me

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