I Cant Upload My License on Gdax

Hi there, cryptocurrency fans! So you're looking to make your first million trading cryptocurrencies, but first, desire to know if GDAX is simply as adept as other recommenced cryptocurrency commutation platforms, such asCoinbase, Binance and Kraken?

Not to worry — I've got everything covered! The cryptocurrency trading markets are now a multi-billion dollar industry and during its all-time highs in December 2017, daily trading volumes were as high as the New York Stock Exchange!

In my GDAX review, I am going to answer things similar 'Is GDAX user-friendly?', 'What are the GDAX fees charged'? and 'Is GDAX safe?'.

I am even going to show you lot how to use GDAX with some actually useful screenshots! You've got a lot to learn, so let's get started by finding out what is GDAX!


  • Secure
  • Like shooting fish in a barrel to use
  • Low trading fees


  • Unhelpful customer back up
  • No anonymous trading

Table of Contents

  • ane. What is GDAX? (Coinbase Pro)
  • 2. GDAX is now Coinbase Pro!?
  • three. Payment Methods and Fees
  • iv. Which Coins Can y'all Buy on GDAX (Coinbase Pro)?
  • five. Is it Easy to Sign Upwards?
  • 6. GDAX Customer Back up
  • seven. Is GDAX Safe?
  • eight. Who Should Use GDAX?
  • 9. The Advantages and Disadvantages
  • 10. How to utilize GDAX: Testing the Interface
  • x.ane. Finding a Trading Pair
  • 10.2. Understanding the Trading Screen
  • ten.3. How to Trade on GDAX
  • 11. GDAX Review: Decision

What is GDAX? (Coinbase Pro)

GDAX is a cryptocurrency exchange that allows people to buy, sell and trade a range of digital coins.  Launched in 2016, GDAX stands for Global Digital Asset Exchange. The people that created GDAX are part of the same company that runs Coinbase, which is now one of the largest exchange brokers in the world!

Essentially, the platform is a middleman between buyers and sellers and in return — GDAX makes their money by charging transaction fees. For example, if John wants to buy some Bitcoin and Jenny wants to sell, they are both matched by the GDAX substitution!

GDAX Review

The founders wanted to provide their 13 meg Coinbase users with a more avant-garde trading platform. The reason for this is that Coinbase just allows you to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. On the other manus, GDAX allows you lot to trade them in real-time, using a variety of different trading tools.

Although GDAX is looking to target the more experienced trader, it is however possible to use real-earth payment methods such as a bank account to eolith and withdraw funds!

The great thing is that if you have a Coinbase account, you automatically have a GDAX account too! All y'all need to do is enter the same log in details that you utilize at Coinbase!

Just like Coinbase, GDAX now has one of the largest trading volumes in the cryptocurrency industry. At the time of writing in July 2018, the exchange averages about $100 1000000 in daily trades. The about that have e'er been traded at GDAX is $650 million in a unmarried twenty-four hours, which it accomplished in late 2017!

So now that you know what is GDAX is and how they got started, the adjacent part of my GDAX review is going to talk about their recent rebranding to Coinbase Pro!

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GDAX is now Coinbase Pro!?

GDAX announced in May 2018 that is was going to rebrand the exchange to 'Coinbase Pro'! Coinbase Pro will have all of the same benefits as GDAX, however, the squad has added a few new features to make it even amend!

The new platform is now live, meaning that if you try to access GDAX, you will be redirected to the new Coinbase Pro website. When I tested it out for the beginning time, I noticed a few differences.

Firstly, the platform is much cleaner, pregnant that it is easier to navigate. The deposit and withdrawal procedure is besides more than straight forward, which is great! I as well noticed that the pricing charts offer more options, which makes it much easier to view historical data.

GDAX review: features.

Finally, the old platform made information technology slightly hard to view your portfolio of coins, but this has been changed to make it much more user-friendly!

During the proclamation, GDAX also revealed that they had taken over a visitor called Paradex. The applied science that Paradex has built volition allow Coinbase and GDAX users to transfer ERC-twenty token between wallets. Don't forget, an ERC-20 token is a cryptocurrency that has been congenital on top of the Ethereum blockchain and in total there are hundreds of them!

Merely to let you lot know, I volition nonetheless refer to Coinbase Pro as GDAX for the rest of my review, as I don't desire to misfile y'all!

So, now that you know nigh the Coinbase Pro rebrand, the adjacent part of my GDAX review is going to look at what payment methods you can use and the fees that the substitution charges!

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Payment Methods and Fees

The GDAX team recognized the importance of allowing people to deposit and withdraw using real-earth money, which ways that you can utilize your bank to fund your business relationship!

Before I talk over the fees, I wanted to make information technology articulate that simply certain countries are allowed to use a banking concern account to deposit. Furthermore, the blazon of payment arrangement will depend on the state y'all are located in.

If you are located in Europe, you will need to use SEPA. GDAX does not accuse a fee for this, which is neat! The GDAX withdrawal fee for SEPA is only €0.15!

If you lot are located in the U.S., you tin deposit using a U.S bank business relationship, which will cost 1.49% of the total transaction.

GDAX Review

The GDAX withdrawal fee when using a U.Due south. banking company account is as well one.49%. Alternatively, U.S. customers can do a wire transfer, which will toll a stock-still-fee of $10 to deposit and $25 to withdraw.

If you are based in Canada, Singapore or Commonwealth of australia, you lot can withal utilise existent-world coin to deposit funds into your GDAX account, all the same, at the moment, you lot cannot withdraw them out. This ways that you will demand to convert any fiat currency balances you take into cryptocurrency, and and then withdraw the cryptocurrency dorsum to your wallet.

Information technology is besides possible to transfer funds from your Coinbase balance over to your GDAX account. This is free of charge and only takes a few seconds! For a detailed guide on how to do this, yous tin check out this detailed tutorial!

If yous are looking to eolith using a debit or credit card, GDAX does non back up this directly, however, y'all tin can do this within the Coinbase platform. The charge for this is 3.99% of the full transaction corporeality and once you lot have washed information technology, simply transfer the funds beyond to GDAX.

If none of these options suit yous, you tin as well deposit using a cryptocurrency! Although GDAX won't accuse you for this, you will nonetheless need to pay the blockchain transaction fee. However, this is usually less than a dollar and will depend on what coin you lot choose to eolith with. The GDAX withdrawal fees for cryptocurrencies are the same as those charged for depositing, which is nothing!

When information technology comes to trading fees, GDAX is much cheaper than Coinbase, who charges i.49% every time yous buy or sell! GDAX fees depend on a couple of different things, which I volition explicate below.

Firstly, GDAX has a different rate for 'Market Makers' and 'Market Takers'. The market maker is the person that provides liquidity for the exchange. Essentially, if the trader places an order at a cost higher or lower than the current market price, so they are a maker.

For example, if the current price of Bitcoin on GDAX is $6,800, but you place an order to buy it at $6,300, so yous are a market maker because your funds are unavailable until the order is executed. This is important for cryptocurrency exchanges because it ensures in that location is enough liquidity for other traders.

As a consequence, GDAX does non charge any trading fees for market 'makers'! On the other manus, if a trader buys or sells a coin at the current market price offered by the exchange, then they are a market 'taker'!

The fees charged for market place takers depend on how much you trade in a unmarried month. The highest fee charged is just 0.xxx% of the total trade amount. If you lot trade more than $ten million and so this is reduced to 0.20% and if you are crazy enough to trade more $100 million, this is reduced to 0.10%!

GDAX Review - Pricing fees

And then at present that you know about the GDAX payment methods and fees, the adjacent part of my GDAX review is going to expect at what coins you tin buy!

Which Coins Can you Purchase on GDAX (Coinbase Pro)?

One of the well-nigh disappointing aspects of using GDAX is that the number of coins available to buy, sell and trade is really limited. In fact, at the time of writing in July 2018, the commutation only supports iv cryptocurrencies.

These are Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH), which is the same as Coinbase. According to the Coinbase and GDAX team, the exchanges hope to start supporting more than coins very shortly.

Dan Romero, who is the general manager at Coinbase, recently explained that calculation more cryptocurrencies is a tiptop priority, all the same, they are taking their time due to U.S. regulations.  Even so, what we do know is that Ethereum Classic (ETC) will presently become the fifth coin to exist supported on GDAX, which is expected to happen in the second half of 2018!

Cryptocurrency projects are keen to have their coin listed on Coinbase and GDAX because they have more than 13 1000000 customers and the platforms brand information technology like shooting fish in a barrel to use real-earth money.

For example, the squad behind Ripple (XRP) has been trying to get their coin listed on Coinbase and GDAX for a long fourth dimension now, with the team even offering to lend the platforms $100 meg worth of XRP! When rumors were released that the deal was going to get through, the value of XRP went crazy! Even so, once it was revealed that Ripple wasn't going to be added, its value dropped dorsum downward!

In reality, if you are looking for an exchange that supports lots of different cryptocurrencies, and so GDAX might non suit you. At that place are other exchanges such as Binance that list hundreds of different coins, with more beingness added all the time.

But to let y'all know, it is likewise possible to trade the four supported coins against fiat currencies such as USD and EUR, which is a cool characteristic!

So now that yous know what coins the substitution supports, the next part of my GDAX review is going to look at the signup procedure!

Is it Easy to Sign Up?

You lot might retrieve how I mentioned earlier that if you lot already have a Coinbase account, y'all automatically accept a GDAX account. If this is the case, yous can move to the side by side part of my GDAX review!

If not, let me apace explain the sign-upwardly procedure, which is the same for both Coinbase and GDAX.

GDAX Review Signup Forms

As the platform is based in the U.S., they take account security very seriously. This means that unlike some exchanges, you lot will not be able to merchandise anonymously. As a result, you lot will need to go through a KYC (Know Your Customer) process. But don't worry, it's really elementary and only takes a few minutes!

Firstly, you will demand to supply the exchange with a range of personal details. This will include your proper name, nationality and full address. After this, you will and so need to upload some identification to testify your identities, such as a passport or driving license.

The good matter is that the certificate verification is automatic, meaning that the system can confirm your identity without needing a GDAX employee to do it manually! When I went through the process information technology only took me ten minutes in total!

As presently as you take done this, y'all can and so link your debit/credit bill of fare or bank account and make a eolith straight away!

Simply remember that if you lot want to withdraw more than than $10,000 in a single twenty-four hour period, yous will need to provide the exchange with additional information. This depends on where you are based and could include a phone verification or a request for a proof of accost (like a banking company argument).

So now that you know nearly the simple sign up procedure, the next part of my GDAX review is going to wait at the exchange's customer support!

GDAX Customer Support

When I am thinking about using a cryptocurrency exchange for the first time, i of the near important things I look for is what client back up is bachelor. If a thing goes wrong, I want to know that I can receive fast and efficient help, which is why I have decided to encompass it in my GDAX review!

Customer back up at GDAX is one of the best in the manufacture! Firstly, the GDAX client service team can exist reached by telephone. This service is bachelor Mon-Friday, betwixt 8 A.M. and five P.M (Pacific Time).

If you need to contact the team exterior of these hours, you can send them an electronic mail 24 hours a day. Alternatively, you lot tin also contact GDAX on diverse social media channels such as Twitter. If you decide to go this route, just exist sure that you don't post any sensitive account details!

The merely negative attribute to the GDAX customer service squad is that they don't have a alive chat facility. Yet overall, if you take any issues with your account, the GDAX team are commonly very quick to respond!

So now that you know nigh client support, the next role of my GDAX review is going to observe out is GDAX safe!

Is GDAX Safe?

Every bit GDAX and Coinbase are both owned past the same company, they both use the same security controls. I mentioned earlier that every GDAX user must identify themselves before they can starting time trading, which means that any fraudulent activity can be traced directly to the individual.

GDAX is responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of cryptocurrency, so they have to make sure they go on client funds condom. 98% of all funds are kept in cold storage, pregnant that they are ever held offline. This makes information technology practically impossible for an online hacker to access them!

The remaining two% of funds are held online, which allows the commutation to process client orders. GDAX offers its users the selection of setting up two-factor authentication (2FA). Once you lot have a 2FA ready up, you will need to enter a unique code that is sent to your mobile telephone, every time you want to log in.

GDAX has too installed a really skilful security feature called the 'Vault'. If you decide to store your coins in the vault, the funds are not released until 48 hours after your withdrawal asking. This acts every bit an extra level of security considering if a hacker gained admission to your business relationship, yous would have 48 hours to cancel the transaction.

GDAX Review

GDAX besides offers something chosen multi-approval. This is where more than i person is required to ostend a withdrawal request. This is a fantastic security feature equally it makes it practically impossible for anybody to steal your funds! For example, if y'all used somebody you trusted as the second approver, nobody could withdraw your funds until both of you lot confirm it!

An boosted security feature at GDAX is their FDIC agreement. This ways that if Coinbase had their funds hacked or the company went out of business, your funds would be protected up to $250,000! Just remember though, to exist protected by FDIC your funds need to be held in your GDAX USD wallet.

Everything sounds as well proficient to be true, right? Well, in that location was a slight upshot that I wanted to talk to you about! On June 21st, 2018, the price of Ethereum on GDAX suddenly went down from $319 to $0.ten! The reason for this is that a trader sold millions of dollars' worth of ETH, which for a few seconds resulted in a price crash.

This meant that some traders lost a lot of money equally the price driblet activated various orders. Some people call back that this was an effort to dispense the market place, however, this is nonetheless to be proved.  All the same, if everyone was lucky enough to spend $380 on ETH when it temporarily went down to ten cents when the price went back up their investment would take been worth more than $1 million!

Other than this 1-off consequence, GDAX is one of the about secure exchanges in the manufacture.

So now that you know is GDAX safe, the side by side part of my GDAX review is going to look at who the commutation is suitable for!

Who Should Use GDAX?

The GDAX platform is slightly more complex than Coinbase because it actually allows users to trade cryptocurrencies, rather than but buy and sell them. This means that you will need a little bit of feel on how cryptocurrency exchanges work.

The markets are volatile and prices can rise or fall quickly, then I will just make sure that yous empathize some of the cardinal features. The cryptocurrencies that you want to trade are called 'Pairings'. For instance, if you want to trade Bitcoin with Ethereum, then y'all volition need to access the BTC/ETH pairing. You lot tin as well trade cryptocurrencies against fiat currencies on GDAX, such as a BTC/USD pairing.

The nearly basic option is called a 'Market Order', which means that you are buying or selling a coin at the electric current market price. If you cull this option, your trade is usually executed within a couple of seconds.

The next selection available at GDAX is their 'Limit Order' option. This is where you choose a price that yous want to trade. The order will only be completed one time the current market price reached the toll you chose.

For example, if the electric current price of Litecoin was $100, but you lot felt the price was going to go down, yous could set a limit order for $85. If the current market cost went downwardly to $85, then your trade would exist automatically executed. The order tin be canceled if the price doesn't accomplish your limit order.

A further option bachelor at GDAX is their 'Finish Loss Order'. This protects your trade from losing too much money if the price of your coin goes down. For example, if you lot bought Bitcoin at $7,000, you could gear up a stop order at $v,000. If the price of Bitcoin crashed, and then the system would automatically sell your coins at $5,000.

Information technology is of import that you learn how to use all of the above features, as they could be the difference betwixt you making or losing money!

So now that you know who the platform is suitable for, the next part of my GDAX review is going to rapidly summarize all of the advantages and disadvantages that I have discussed.

The Advantages and Disadvantages

Let's accept a await at the positives and negatives of GDAX.

  • Accepts banking concern account deposits and withdrawals
  • Low deposit and withdrawal fees
  • Tin transfer funds from Coinbase
  • Very low trading fees
  • Quick account opening process
  • Excellent security
  • Practiced customer support
  • Clean and user-friendly platform
  • Accept to process debit/credit card deposits through Coinbase
  • Only 4 cryptocurrencies supported
  • Not all nationalities immune to bring together
  • No anonymous trading
  • No alive chat facility

Now that I accept summarized the platform's advantages and disadvantages, the last part of my GDAX review is going to chop-chop show you how to apply GDAX!

How to use GDAX: Testing the Interface

Before nosotros get started, as the Coinbase Pro website has but recently been created, it sometimes doesn't show up on Google. Therefore, yous tin find it here.

Finding a Trading Pair

One time you are on the Coinbase Pro platform, login and so click on Trade at the summit of the page.

GDAX Review - Coinbase pro trading

At present you need to click on Select Market. A drop-down box will appear. If you lot see the pairing that you want to trade – bully! If not, select the cryptocurrency/fiat currency that you desire to trade.

GDAX Review - Coinbase Pro market

Once you lot have called your trading pair, you will be taken to the main trading screen. I am going to select BTC/EUR!

GDAX Review

Understanding the Trading Screen

As you volition see in the chart below, you lot tin view the historical pricing movements for your pairing. In my example, each bar represents a 'v-minute move'. Green means it went up and red means it went down! You tin can alter this from i infinitesimal up to 1 mean solar day.

GDAX Review - Coinbase pro price chart

Yous can also change the nautical chart from candlestick confined to lines. Accept a look at the screenshot below!

GDAX Review - Coinbase pro chart

How to Trade on GDAX

Once you take decided what trade you want to do, head over to the society form on the left of the screen. As you will run across from my example below, you tin can cull either 'Market Order', 'Limit Order' or 'Terminate Loss Order'. If you can't remember what these mean, go back up to the 'Who should use GDAX?' function of my GDAX review!

GDAX Review - Coinbase pro order placing

If you are going for a market place guild, all you lot demand to practice is enter the number of coins you want to buy or sell. If you desire to do a limit or stop loss order, and so enter the number of coins you want to purchase or sell and the amount you want the guild to be executed at.

GDAX Review

As yous tin can meet from the higher up example, I have done a limit order. I have specified that I want to purchase 1 BTC when the cost goes downwards to 5,000 EUR. Once I click on Place Buy Order, my trade will only be executed when the price of BTC goes down to 5,000 EUR!

GDAX Review: Conclusion

And that's the end of my GDAX review! I know I have provided you with lots of information, just if you have read information technology from starting time to stop, y'all volition now know everything there is to know almost them!

This includes everything from GDAX fees, client support, coin availability, security, user-friendliness, and even payment methods! I besides gave you some really useful screenshots of how to use GDAX for the very first time!

Ultimately, I think GDAX is one of the meliorate exchanges in the industry. Although you lot can only trade four different coins, I like how piece of cake it is to deposit and withdraw funds, and the security is bully also. I as well similar the fact that at that place is enough of liquidity!

If you want to check out other more recommended exchanges, you lot can bank check out Coinbase, Binance and Kraken.

The content published on this website is not aimed to give any kind of financial, investment, trading, or whatsoever other course of advice. BitDegree.org does not endorse or propose you to buy, sell or hold any kind of cryptocurrency. Before making financial investment decisions, do consult your financial advisor.


Source: https://www.bitdegree.org/crypto/gdax-review

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