Spring Flower That Belongs to the Olive Family

Linda Crampton is a writer and former science teacher with an honors degree in biology. She enjoys writing about science and nature.

Flowers and young leaves of a forsythia

Flowers and young leaves of a forsythia

Beautiful Flowers of Spring

The beautiful forsythia shrubs bloom in March or even in late Feb on the southern coast of British Columbia, where I live. The bright yellow or yellow-orange flowers announced earlier the leaves of the plant have fully emerged. The blossoms cover the branches, creating dramatic splashes of color in both gardens and their surroundings. They are a wonderful sign that spring has arrived and are a promise of more floral joy to follow.

Forsythia is a genus of flowering plants that are mostly native to East asia. They belong to the olive family, or the family Oleaceae. The genus contains well-nigh eleven species. The stated number of species varies due to debates about how the numerous hybrids and cultivars in the genus should be classified. Forsythias are popular plants that have spread to many parts of the world. They are greatly admired for the glorious yellow flames produced by the flowers.

A forsythia shrub in bloom often looks like a yellow flame.

A forsythia shrub in flower frequently looks like a yellowish flame.

In the UK, the name of the constitute is pronounced for-sigh-thia in honour of the horticulturist William Forsyth. In Due north America, the name is often pronounced for-sith-ia.

The Forsythia Plant

Forsythia plants abound as shrubs, which tin become very large. They may accomplish a summit of upwards to x anxiety and a width of up to fifteen feet, depending on the species. A shrub has multiple stems. Some forsythia stems are so thick near their base that they need to exist cut with a saw if they have to exist shortened or removed.

Many forsythias accept stems that arch. The plants can become unruly and produce fewer flowers if they aren't pruned, equally I know from viewing the escaped garden plants growing at the edge of a wooded area most my habitation. Pruning is benign because it can produce a healthy found and a lovely yellowish fountain of flowers in the bound. Some people form a hedge from the plants. This can look beautiful when all of the shrubs are in blossom at the same time.

Parts of a Flower

The stigma, style, and ovary make up the female part of a flower, or pistil. The anther and filament make up the male part, or stamen.

The stigma, fashion, and ovary make up the female part of a flower, or pistil. The anther and filament make upward the male office, or stamen.

The stigma, style, and ovary form the carpel of a flower. In flowers with simply one carpel, the carpel is also known as a pistil. Some flowers have several carpels joined together in their female reproductive construction. In this case, the group of carpels is known as a pistil.

Time-Lapse Video of Forsythia Flowers Opening

Forsythia Flowers

Forsythias take bright yellow to gilded flowers. The and so-called "pinkish forsythia" doesn't vest to the Forsythia genus. Its scientific name is Abeliophyllum distichum. Its flowers expect quite like those of forsythia but are white to pink in colour, depending on the variety.

A forsythia flower has four petals that are joined at their base, where they form a tube. The petals usually hang downwards but are sometimes curved backwards, revealing the reproductive parts within. The flowers comprise 2 stamens (the male reproductive structures) and a pistil (the female reproductive structure). The stigma at the top of the pistil is lobed.

The flowers are pollinated by insects, especially bees. There may not be many of these early pollinators around when the forsythia flowers need them, though in my function of the world there are some. The bees become an early on starting time to their season here.

The beautiful flowers terminal for only a couple of weeks. The flower buds for the next spring grade after the flowers have dropped. The buds demand exposure to the colder temperatures of winter in society to open, but if the winter is very cold they may die.

A forsythia flower on a wet day

A forsythia flower on a moisture day

Read More than From Owlcation

The oval leaves of a forsythia are toothed and accept a pointed tip. They become more than noticeable as the flowers fade. The shrub is deciduous and the leaves are lost at the terminate of the growing season. The leaves often turn a beautiful red or yellow color in the fall before they drib.

The Fruits and Their Potential Uses

Pollinated forsythia flowers produce fruit in the fall. The fruit is an oval capsule that is at first green then turns xanthous and finally brown. When it'south mature, the capsule opens to reveal 2 chambers filled with seeds.

Forsythia suspensa fruits are used in traditional Chinese medicine. The plant is commonly known equally lian qiao, gilded bells, or the weeping forsythia. It's a pop ornamental plant in N America.

F. suspensa fruits are said to be anti-inflammatory and antipyretic. An antipyretic substance is i that reduces fever. Forsythia fruits and an extract from the fruits are also claimed to be antiviral substances. They are sometimes used to treat respiratory infections and problems such as colds, flu, and bronchitis. There isn't enough prove supporting these uses to satisfy western researchers, even so. Forsythia may or may not be an constructive medicine.

Forsythia isn't considered to be dangerous when used in prescribed quantities. It's mostly recommended that pregnant and lactating women avoid ingesting the constitute until scientists learn more about the chemicals that information technology contains, yet. In improver, anyone taking another medicine or being treated for an affliction past a md should ask their doctor about the advisability of taking forsythia. Natural medicines tin interact with pharmaceutical ones. Some other of import betoken to consider is that forsythia may deadening blood clotting. It's not a good idea to take it before surgery or if some other medicine that slows blood clotting is being taken.

Forsythia flowers in the rain

Forsythia flowers in the pelting

Edibility of the Flowers

Forsythia is said to be non-toxic on lists of poisonous plants for pets and humans, as stated in the references below. At that place is a difference between being non-toxic and being edible, however.

Some people report that they eat forsythia flowers, although non in large quantities because the petals tin sense of taste biting. The flowers are sometimes used equally an attractive garnish on salads or are used to make an infusion.

It'south nice to know that forsythias are safety to grow in a garden frequented by children and pets. I actually call up that nosotros demand to learn more about the chemicals in the constitute and their furnishings on humans and animals before we forage for forsythias, though.

If someone decides to eat forsythia flowers, it's important to be absolutely sure about the selected plant'south identity. It's also of import to pick flowers from an unpolluted area that hasn't been treated with pesticides. I recall that it's appropriate to swallow only a minor quantity of forsythia until we know more than virtually its effects.

How to Abound Forsythia From a Establish Cut

Origin of the Plant's Name

The first forsythia discovered by a western scientist was Forsythia suspensa. Carl Peter Thunburg (1743-1828) was a Swedish surgeon and a botanist. He noticed the plant in a Japanese garden and collected some specimens. Thunberg gave the plant the scientific proper noun Syringa suspensa and brought it to Europe.

The genus Syringa contains the lilacs. It was before long realized that forsythias had features that were different from lilacs and should really be classified in their own genus. The genus was changed to Forsythia in honour of William Forsyth, a renowned horticulturist of the day.

The first forsythia brought to Britain was Forsythia viridissima. It was found in China past Robert Fortune, an gorging plant collector. Forsythia suspensa and Forsythia viridissima have given rise to a wide variety of hybrids. A pop cross betwixt the two species is Forsythia X intermedia.

Forsythia flowers after a spring shower

Forsythia flowers after a spring shower

A Cursory Biography of William Forsyth

William Forsyth was a Scottish horticulturist who lived from 1737 to 1804. Bruce Forsyth, a popular entertainer and TV show presenter in the UK for many years, was a descendent of William Forsyth. Bruce became Sir Bruce Forsyth CBE in 2011. He died in August, 2017.

William Forsyth was born in the town of Oldmeldrum in Aberdeenshire. He received his training as a gardener at the Chelsea Physic Garden in London. The word "physic" in the garden'southward name means "healing". The Chelsea Physic Garden was founded in 1673 by the Worshipful Lodge of Apothecaries. Its goal was to teach apprentices about the medicinal capabilities of plants. The garden still exists today, although it'due south smaller in size than it was during Forsyth's time. It seems to be a popular attraction for visitors.

Forsyth began his career as a gardener for the Duke of Northumberland. He returned to the Chelsea Physic Garden in 1771 to get its caput gardener. In 1784, he became an employee of King George the Third as the Main Superintendent of the Royal Gardens at Kensington and Rex James'south Palace.

Forsyth is credited with beingness the first person in Britain to deliberately create a rock garden. In 1802, he published a book about fruit tree management that became a best seller. In 1804—the year of his death—he attended an organizational coming together with 6 other notable men. This meeting was the origin of the Majestic Horticultural Society. Today the organization is the leading gardening charity in the United kingdom.

William Forsyth's Plaster for Oak Copse

Unfortunately, William Forsyth was involved in an unpleasant situation soon before his death. He created a plaster (or "plaister") to exist placed over wounds on oak trees, not only allowing them to survive but also enabling them to grow new forest. This was an important endeavour because oak copse were needed to build ships for the navy. The plaster contained fresh cow dung, lime, wood ashes, and sand. Strange as information technology may sound, moo-cow dung may have the power to fight certain microbes.

Forsyth was thanked by the Houses of Parliament for his creation and given a monetary honor. There were claims from prominent people that his plaster didn't work, however. Information technology's hard to tell how serious these accusations were for Forsyth's reputation from the reports that are available today.

Information technology's a shame that Forsyth didn't alive longer in guild to have a take chances to answer his critics. Information technology's good that we can remember him in the name of such a beautiful plant, though, even if not everyone knows the origin of the name "Forsythia".


  • A comparing of Forsythia and false Forsythia from Dave's Garden
  • "Common Plants: What'due south Poisonous and What's Not?" from the University of Wisconsin (The list identifies Forsythia as non-toxic.)
  • Information virtually golden bells from the American Social club for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)
  • Forsythia data from WebMD
  • "The Founding and Founders of the Royal Horticultural Society" from Purdue Academy
  • Facts near William Forsyth and his life from the Gazetteer for Scotland

This content is accurate and true to the best of the writer's knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, handling, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed wellness professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may take dangerous side effects. If meaning or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

Questions & Answers

Question: Can the forsythia shrub abound in any region?

Answer: Forsythia can't grow everywhere, but it does take a wide distribution in Asia, Europe, and North America (and peradventure in other parts of the world). In the United states of america, Forsythia suspensa is hardy from zones 5 to 9 on the USDA (U.s. Department of Agronomics) scale. Forsythia 10 intermedia is hardy from zones 5 to 8 and sometimes to zone 9.

© 2015 Linda Crampton

Linda Crampton (writer) from British Columbia, Canada on June 07, 2016:

Thank you for the kind comment, Alun. I appreciate the share, also. I honey rock gardens. They tin be very attractive and a smashing component of a garden, every bit you lot say.

Greensleeves Hubs from Essex, United kingdom on June 07, 2016:

A definitive article on the Forsythia Linda, and i of the nigh bonny I have seen. I recall here in England there is probably no other shrub that is as smothered in flowers - certainly xanthous flowers - in the early-mid jump as Forsythia. I similar the add-on of the section on William Forsyth too - particularly that he may have been the start to build a rock garden. Rock garden features are a neat addition to any garden. Thanks and shared. Alun

Linda Crampton (writer) from British Columbia, Canada on Oct 01, 2015:

Thanks very much for the visit, Rachel. I appeciate your comment. Blessings to you, too!

Rachel L Alba from Every Day Cooking and Blistering on October 01, 2015:

How-do-you-do Linda. I don't know how I missed this hub. I have several forsythia bushes simply never knew how or when to prune them. Cheers for the information and sharing the pictures.

Blessings to yous.

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on Apr 24, 2015:

Cheers for the comment, drbj! I appreciate your visit.

drbj and sherry from south Florida on April 24, 2015:

Thanks, Alicia, for this lovely hub featuring both forsythia and William Forsyth and enhancing my noesis of both in the process.

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on Apr 04, 2015:

Hullo, Deb. Thanks for the comment. Forsythia has a habit of popping up unexpectedly where I live!

Deb Hirt from Stillwater, OK on April 04, 2015:

When I was growing up, I never saw forsythia, simply lilacs. When I returned abode three decades after, it had suddenly appeared. Not certain what spurred its recent popularity. I never knew almost mr. Forsyth, but it was squeamish to acquire where the institute proper name came from.

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 25, 2015:

Thank you very much, Robie. I take some forsythias in my neighbourhood, and I see them beside a trail that I oftentimes walk on, as well. They are a very cheerful sight!

Robie Benve from Ohio on March 25, 2015:

I love those flowers. they are very mutual in Italian republic, where I grew upwardly. My whole neighborhood was beautifully spotted with yellowish flowers each bound, but I never knew the name of the plant. Great hub! Thanks for sharing.

Linda Crampton (writer) from British Columbia, Canada on March 25, 2015:

How lovely to have a forsythia that bloomed every time your daughter had a birthday. Mary. This must take been a great mode to celebrate the occasion! Thanks for the votes.

Linda Crampton (writer) from British Columbia, Canada on March 25, 2015:

Thanks, Peg. Every bit always, I appreciate y0ur visit and comment.

Linda Crampton (writer) from British Columbia, Canada on March 25, 2015:

Thank you very much for the comment, Patricia. I capeesh the votes, the share and the pivot, too. The angels are a cute way to start my twenty-four hours!

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 25, 2015:

Hi, Glimmer. I love the sight of snowdrops! They are such a cute sign of bound. Cheers for the comment.

Mary Hyatt from Florida on March 25, 2015:

We grew this lovely plant when I lived in Atlanta, GA. I don't see them here in S. Florida, though; perhaps information technology's too hot here.

I have a beautiful Forsythia that bloomed every March. We called information technology our "Birthday Bush" cause I accept a daughter who was born in March!

I enjoyed reading this Hub very much, and voted it UP, etc.

Peg Cole from North Dallas, Texas on March 25, 2015:

Cute flower and interesting facts nigh the plant and it's namesake. I e'er larn a lot from your manufactures.

Patricia Scott from North Fundamental Florida on March 25, 2015:

Skilful morn Alicia

I learned then much from this commodity.

I idea I knew a flake about this glorious plant merely y'all filled in many details I did not. I knew trivial of the man whose name this plant got its proper name.

Interesting the Physic garden is smaller today...one would think, perhaps, it would be larger.

And how sad that the incident with the 'plaister' would be a way to tarnish his name.

We probably volition never know the truth most that situation.

And forsythia...honey them...My Momma had them all over our property and I was totally enchanted by them. I do not accept one right at present but once I am settled I will accept several.

Thanks for the info.

Voted upwards++++ shared Pinned to Awesome HubPages

Please know that Angels are on the way to you ps

Claudia Mitchell on March 25, 2015:

Forsythias just make me smile, just like this hub did. We are just getting our snowdrops hither so I am eagerly waiting for the forsythias. Cheers for a little sunshine this morning!

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 22, 2015:

Thank you very much for the comment, Vellur. I appreciate the vote as well.

Nithya Venkat from Dubai on March 22, 2015:

An information packed hub about the Forsythia Flowers. The flowers are beautiful, great hub, voted up.

Linda Crampton (writer) from British Columbia, Canada on March 20, 2015:

Cheers, Flourish. The cute xanthous colour of the flowers is lovely. I e'er enjoy seeing it.

FlourishAnyway from Usa on March 20, 2015:

The brilliant splash of yellow is always a welcome treat, and I enjoyed reading more nigh the forsynthia and its namesake.

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 19, 2015:

Hi, Suhail. Thanks very much for the comment! I've read many reports about forsythia from people in Ontario, so the shrub seems to survive there, at to the lowest degree in the southern part of the province.

I hold about the terminal photograph. I'm a true cat lover equally well as a plant lover, so I just had to include that photo in this hub!

Suhail Zubaid aka Clark Kent from Mississauga, ON on March 19, 2015:


Beautiful hub on a beautiful shrub and a neat historic piece on a great gardener!

I wonder if forsythia can tolerate the winter climate of Ontario though.

And that last picture with a cat against a forsythia institute - simply priceless.

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 19, 2015:

Thank y'all for the lovely comment, Vagabond Laborer. I capeesh it very much. It's very dainty to meet you!

Linda Crampton (writer) from British Columbia, Canada on March 19, 2015:

Cheers very much, Dora. I appreciate your comment and your kindness.

Vagabond Laborer on March 19, 2015:

Alicia C,

This was a wonderful article. I' have always loved forsythia; it's such a lovely harbinger of Spring. Also, congratulations on being such a prolific and successful hub writer. Y'all use photographs and media wonderfully throughout your articles.

Dora Weithers from The Caribbean on March 19, 2015:

Alicia, your articles provide some exciting lessons in nature study. There'southward and so much I learn from you. Cheers for this information on Forsyth and Forsythia--the beautiful yellow.

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 19, 2015:

Hi, Neb. I hope your forsythia blooms are lovely when they finally emerge! Thank you for the visit.

Nib De Giulio from Massachusetts on March nineteen, 2015:

Hi Linda. We have a row of forsythia separating our thou from the neighbors and nosotros always expect forwards to the yellow blossom in spring. This year they are all the same imbedded in snow and the atmospheric condition has even so been very cold so we are many weeks abroad. How interesting where the proper name came from, I had no idea. Thanks for the education.

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March xix, 2015:

Thank you so much, Rebecca! I capeesh your kind annotate.

Rebecca Mealey from Northeastern Georgia, The states on March 19, 2015:

What a gorgeous hub, Alicia. I honey Forsythia considering it is the first budding bush here. Y'all did a great chore with this. Enjoyed!

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 19, 2015:

Hi, ologsinquito. Forsythias seem to be everywhere in the spring where I alive, too! I see them in gardens and beside trails. A flowering forsythia is so lovely.

ologsinquito from USA on March 19, 2015:

Very interesting. These bushes seem to be everywhere in the bound, just I never knew what they were chosen.

Linda Crampton (writer) from British Columbia, Canada on March xviii, 2015:

Thanks for the visit and the comment, Maren Morgan!

Maren Elizabeth Morgan from Pennsylvania on March 18, 2015:

Thanks for neat info!

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 18, 2015:

I agree, poetryman6969. Less dark-green waste would be wonderful. Plants have and so much to offer us! Thanks for the visit.

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 18, 2015:

Thank you so much for the kind and interesting comment, Peggy. I appreciate your visit and the votes and share, every bit I always do!

poetryman6969 on March 18, 2015:

It's interesting that such a lovely plant has other uses too. I would like to see us go more uses out of the natural globe and to produce less green waste.

Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on March 18, 2015:

I well remember the forsythia shrubs that my parents planted on ane side of our dwelling house in Wisconsin when I was growing upwardly equally a kid. Sometimes there was notwithstanding a bit of snowfall on the footing when they would begin blooming. Sometimes my female parent would cutting a few branches laden with yellow blossoms and put them in a vase within the firm and nosotros would enjoy the glorious yellowish blossoms for a fourth dimension.

I did not realize that it was related to the olive family. It was enjoyable learning about the horticulturist William Forsyth. Thanks for another stellar hub! Up votes and sharing and pinning to my shrubs board.

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March eighteen, 2015:

Cheers, Larry. I appreciate your comment!

Larry Rankin from Oklahoma on March 18, 2015:

Beautiful pictures and a very interesting history.

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 18, 2015:

Thanks very much for the visit and annotate, Nib.

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March xviii, 2015:

Thank you, AVailuu. I enjoy reading your hubs, too!

Linda Crampton (writer) from British Columbia, Canada on March eighteen, 2015:

Hi, Ann. Forsythia hedges are very attractive! The yellowish colour of the flowers is certainly cheerful. I wish the colour lasted for a longer time. Thanks very much for the annotate.

Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on March 18, 2015:

That was actually fascinating. I had no idea where the name came from. As always, y'all gave me an education.

Ashley Vailu'u from Central Texas on March 18, 2015:

I e'er enjoy reading your hubs AliciaC!

Ann Carr from SW England on March 18, 2015:

What a peachy botany lesson! I love forsythia; used to accept information technology for a back hedge in a previous garden and its vibrant colour was and so cheering.

I didn't realise it was named after a person. I like to learn something every day!

Thank you for an interesting, informative hub with great illustrations.


Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March xviii, 2015:

Thanks then much, Audrey! I capeesh your lovely annotate and all your support a peachy deal.

Audrey Hunt from Pahrump NV on March 18, 2015:

I love learning all about flowers and this hub is fantastic Linda. The photos are just lovely. You lot've provided such interesting information near forsythia flowers. I capeesh these beauties more now that I've read this hub. Voted upward and more and sharing.

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 17, 2015:

I'chiliad sorry that your forsythia didn't bloom, RTalloni. At to the lowest degree you can await at the plants in your neighbourhood. I'd love to hear you say the names of the flowers in your list! Thank you lot for the visit and the comment.

RTalloni on March 17, 2015:

So interesting--thanks. I concur, it might not be the wisest move to swallow the flowers. My forsythia hedge did not bloom this year. All neighbors' plants did, but mine skipped the blooms. Very curious.

As a southerner, forsythia is a garden word I love. Saying the name allows me to let my southern emphasis roll out, making people smile. Magnolia, camellia, forsythia, gardenia, wisteria, mahonia, and more than make the drawl lots of fun.

Linda Crampton (author) from British Columbia, Canada on March 17, 2015:

Thank you very much for the comment, Faith. I always appreciate your visits! I appreciate your votes and shares a neat deal, too. Peace and blessings to you, every bit e'er.

Faith Reaper from southern USA on March 17, 2015:

How ironic for I simply had asked a question about what plants or flowers are the first to bloom in one's expanse, and forsythia bush is ane of the ones that blooms first later the last winter frost. I love its brilliant color! So cute and adds such a pop to the final days of winter and going into leap.

That is interesting nearly Forsyth's life, simply sorry he did not live to tell his side of the story.

As always, a wonderful read, beautiful and insightful.

Up ++++ tweeting, pinning, One thousand+ and sharing

Peace and blessings always


Source: https://owlcation.com/stem/Forsythia-Flowers-in-Spring-and-the-Botanist-William-Forsyth

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